Buscando a Frida Telenovela Review
The Search for Frida |
Synopsis: The series revolves around the Pons family and how their lives suddenly changed when their daughter, Frida, mysteriously disappears on the night of her father's birthday party. During the investigation lies, resentments, and secrets will come out, turning everyone into suspects and unmasking a family that is far from perfect.
Initial Thoughts: I thought the finale was a bit rushed. The writing and dialogue of the show could have been better, sometimes it felt out of place, but overall the show is interesting. The first episode does captivate you even though you have no idea it's a remake of a classic, 'Where is Elisa?'. The characters are interesting, and I can say Rafaela Pons was my favourite character. She was the best written out of all of them and had better lines in the show.
Final Thoughts: I enjoyed the series. The characters growth were fun to watch, especially Marcella and Abelardo's metamorphosis.
Conclusions: I'd rate the show a 5.95/10. Writing: 1.2/2, characters: 0.75/2, acting: 1.5/2, plot: 1/2, Story: 1.5/2.
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